Welcome! The Open Curriculum: A Guide to Evaluating Student Portfolios is the culmination of observations and documentations of choice-based student artwork over twenty years. The results are numerous rubrics and lesson designs that grew out of the choices students made which met curricular goals. Grading artwork seemed to be so unlike the thinking processes an artist uses to communicate their ideas.
In this book, I hope to encourage young art teachers to follow cues from their students and permit them to differentiate the art curriculum. Once you begin teaching in this way, you will not be able to go back to the same standardized assignments for all students. They will all make different choices for subject matter or media and techniques. The results are original, one of a kind expressions that have meaning for each student. It is instruction and evaluation that clearly challenges students towards proficiency and even mastery of an art domain.
For example, the following rubric documents growth in the elements of art. Because there are a variety of lists that can be found for the elements, the rubric represents the five most common: line, shape, value, color and texture. Patterning can be understood as repeated textures. Form is simply shape in three-dimensions, etc. The beauty of this rubric is that every student can choose which element(s) they will demonstrate in their choice-based work. They can achieve proficiency in many elements over time, or achieve mastery in just a few. Instruction is individualized to fit the ideas and goals of each student.
Summative Rubric for the Elements of Art
Elements of Art
Not Yet
Lines are edges that depict the intersection of differing planes of value or color
Intersecting/ overlapping lines that disappear and reappear moving up, down, right, left, forward, and backward in the picture plane
Contour outlines and/or horizon lines
No contour outlines or horizon lines
Overlapping shapes creating multiple vertical planes behind the foreground plane
Overlapping shapes to create an imaginary plane behind the foreground plane
Geometric and/or free-form shape
No obvious shapes
Light, medium, and dark values from a directional or imaginary light source
Gradations of lights through mediums and darks
Light values and/or dark values
No lights or darks
Use of color value by adding complements with a hue that darkens and whites to lighten
Use of color temperature (lights warmer and darks cooler using colors analogous to hue)
Use of one or more colors, (warm and/or cool)
No use of color
Implied textures that also depict value rendering from a light source
Implied textures (i.e., cross-hatching, stipple, patterning)
Applied textures (i.e., printing, sgraffito, blending, impasto)
No use of texture
choice-based learning, differentiated instruction, elements of art, rubrics
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